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A Brief History

The National Guard: A Unique Branch of the US Military

A Brief History

Established in 1636, the Army National Guard is the oldest component of the US Armed Forces. It serves as the primary combat reserve of the US and has a unique role within the military.

State and Federal Responsibilities

The National Guard is a unique branch of the US Military that has both state and federal responsibilities. This dual role has been in place since the Militia Act of 1903 and allows the National Guard to respond to both domestic and national emergencies.

Domestic Emergencies

When called upon by the governor of a state, the National Guard can assist with natural disasters, civil unrest, and other emergencies. For example, the National Guard has been deployed to assist with hurricane relief efforts, search and rescue operations, and crowd control.

National Emergencies

The National Guard can also be called upon by the President of the United States to serve in a federal capacity. This can include deploying overseas for combat operations or providing support for domestic security missions.

80th Anniversary of D-Day

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, which set the stage for the eventual Allied victory in World War II. National Guard units played a key role in the landings, providing support for the invasion force and helping to secure the beaches.


The National Guard is a unique and vital part of the US Military. Its dual role allows it to respond to both domestic and national emergencies, and its proud history of service speaks to its commitment to protecting the country.
